Praxis AVORYA – Biostimulatoren, Ästhetik, Anti-Aging & Injectables

Skin Rejuvenation / Skin Tightening

With the Latest High-Tech Devices.

Your Way to a Firmer, More Beautiful and Younger Skin

Body Treatments without Scalpel.

The older we become, the more visible the signs of the times are on our body. Due to the decrease in hyaluronic acid and collagen, the elasticity of the skin diminishes, wrinkles and sagging skin appear. In addition, unsightly skin changes such as age spots, port-wine stains, spider veins or cellulite occur.

But not only the aging process has an impact on our appearance. Significant changes can already develop at a young age. Diets, pregnancies, UV radiation, one's way of life or even a genetic predisposition can cause visible transformations in our skin at an early stage.
It does not matter what the causes are: Sooner or later, our once youthful appearance gives way and areas of the body seem stressed or even used up. This awakens the desire to change something.

Thanks to the various possibilities of modern technologies, in our AVORYA beauty practice in Zurich, we can effectively, minimally invasive and tissue-conserving combat the signs of age and unsightly skin changes on your body without plastic surgery.

Skin Rejuvenation / Skin Tightening

Treatment goal:
Tightening the skin and controlling skin changes of the entire body.
Treatment duration:
Depending on the chosen treatment and treatment area, about 15-60 minutes.
Depending on the chosen treatment, either an anesthetic cream is applied beforehand or no anesthetic is necessary.
Usually, you can go back to your daily routine after the treatment.
Number of sessions:
Depending on the chosen treatment, 1-6 sessions.
They depend on the selected treatment and the treated area. During your consultation, we will, of course, transparently explain you the arising expenses
*Die Kosten sind abhängig von der gewählten Behandlung und dem Behandlungsumfang. Selbstverständlich legen wir Ihnen im Rahmen Ihres Beratungsgesprächs transparent die anfallenden Kosten dar.

High-Tech Body Treatments: Diverse Treatment Options to Rejuvenate & Tighten the Skin

Our practice is equipped with many modern laser, ultrasound and radio frequency devices manufactured by well-known companies and approved by the U.S. medicines agency FDA. This is why we can offer you body treatments that are individually tailored to you and your needs – from skin tightening and cellulite treatment to the removal of stretch marks and fat pads as well as the elimination of /en/treatments/laser-treatments/wrinkle-treatment-with-laser/en/treatments/laser-treatments/wrinkle-treatment-with-laseror annoying body hair.

Interesting Facts about Our Laser Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation / Skin Tightening

Individual & Customized

The right solution for every skin problem – our goal is to find the perfect treatment package for your individual wishes and needs. This is why we conduct a detailed consultation first, examine the initial skin situation and advise you on the various therapy and combination possibilities for the best treatment result. Because of our high-quality technical equipment, our expertise and our long experience in high-tech treatments, we can adapt the therapy to your individual needs and the requirements of your skin situation.

Benefit from Our Experience

With us, you are in the best hands for your high-tech beauty treatment. Kerbler (A), specialist in dermatology and venereology, is an expert in laser treatments and has the laser licenses I-VI FMH. Kerbler (A) regularly takes part in workshops, seminars and training courses as well as in international conferences in order to always offer treatments that are state-of-the-art in science and technology. The beauty practice AVORYA is also the reference center for Lutronic, one of the leading manufacturers of high-tech devices in the field of aesthetic dermatology.

Unsere Schönheitspraxis in Zürich | Die Räumlichkeiten | Praxis AVORYA
AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit

Effective & Gentle

The range of the latest devices gives us the opportunity to reach different skin layers, so we can optimally respond to your needs. The treatments are low-risk, kind to the skin and harmless to the surrounding tissue. Normally, you can immediately return to your daily routine after the treatment.

AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit
AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit

Firmer & More Beautiful Skin

We offer you individually tailored treatment packages to reduce effectively signs of aging and skin changes. Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you.
AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit

A Selection of Our Treatment Options

Wrinkle Treatment and Skin Tightening

With LaseMD, Infini, PicoPLUS, Healite II and the CO2 laser, we have many options to fight effectively against wrinkles, sagging or uneven skin. Thanks to our large selection of devices, depending on the initial situation, we can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in different skin layers, initiate tissue renewal and achieve deep regeneration of entire skin areas. Of course, the devices can also effectively combat wrinkles on the face.

Treating Stretch Marks and Scars

Scars and stretch marks can permanently affect the overall appearance of the body. With our laser devices, we can improve the appearance of scars and significantly reduce stretch marks or, in many cases, even eliminate them completely.

Spider Veins Therapy

More than every second person has spider veins. The conspicuous reddish to bluish veins occur mainly on the thighs. They are medically absolutely harmless, but often pose an aesthetic problem. With our Clariry laser, we can treat spider veins effectively and help you regain a more beautiful and even skin.


Stubborn fat pads that resist every diet and physical activity can be reduced with the power of radio frequency energy. The enCurve body contouring process also has a tightening effect on the treated area of the skin.

Permanent Hair Removal

Are you tired of shaving regularly certain areas of your body and do you want a permanently smooth, hair-free skin? We can gently remove annoying hair from all over the body with our Clarity laser.

Remove Skin Changes

Unsightly spots and skin changes such as age spots, reddened skin, blood sponges or port-wine stains make the skin look stressed and older. With our variety of lasers (CO2 laser, PicoPlus, Clarity), we can remove the noticeable skin changes.

Removing Tattoos

The colors of your tattoo have faded, the outlines are muddled, or the tattoo does no longer fit to your current stage of life? Thanks to the latest laser technology, a tattoo is no longer a lifetime decision, in most cases, it can be completely removed.

The Process of Your Body Treatment

If you want to change the appearance of your skin, simply make an appointment in our practice. Kerbler (A) will talk to you in a personal consultation about your expectations and treatment goals. She will examine your skin and answer your questions. Based on the results of the examination, Kerbler (A) will develop an individual treatment package and explain the treatment process to you. Which device is used for your treatment, how many appointments are necessary and how long they take, always depend on the scope of treatment and the desired result.

If you then decide to have a treatment in our practice, we will arrange an appointment. During your appointment, we will create a photo documentation, so you can see the changes in the treated skin area at a glance.