Praxis AVORYA – Biostimulatoren, Ästhetik, Anti-Aging & Injectables

Removing Glabellar Lines

at AVORYA Practice in Zurich

Treating Glabellar Lines & Forehead Furrows

Glabellar lines are a common concern for individuals who care about their appearance. They arise from worried or angry facial expressions and become deeper and more pronounced with advancing skin aging. However, glabellar lines can also be effectively treated with Hyaluronic Acid Fillers or Botulinum Toxin. Surgery is not necessary for this.

Our AVORYA Practice - Source of Beauty near Zurich is the go-to place for the treatment of glabellar lines and forehead furrows.
We have years of experience in aesthetic medicine. The individual patient's needs are at the forefront for us, and we aim to maintain a natural appearance in all treatments.

Glabellar lines generally do not disappear on their own if one does not actively try to address them. There are various ways to prevent and remove them. Both Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid have proven to be very effective. Both can be used through minimally invasive treatment methods. It is gentle, and pain is hardly expected. The results of glabellar line treatment, however, are remarkable.

Glabellar Line Removal in Zurich with Botulinum Toxin

Treatment goal:
Smooth or remove mimetic wrinkles
Treatment Duration:
Around 15 minutes depending on the extent of treatment
Very thin needles are used, so local anesthetic cream is sufficient if desired
You can return to your everyday life immediately after the treatment
Possible Short-Term Treatment Effects:
Temporary swelling, redness, or light bruises may occur.
Duration of Results:
Wrinkle smoothing lasts 3-4 months depending on individual conditions
The costs are determined by the extent of treatment. We are happy to discuss this with you in a transparent conversation.

How Do Glabellar Lines Form?

Glabellar lines are the vertical wrinkles that run between the eyebrows. They form when you bring your eyebrows together. This often happens, for example, when you worry or get angry. At such times, people tend to make a corresponding facial expression. However, it can also be a habit. Some people naturally furrow their brows when they think. That's why they're also called forehead furrows. The medical term for them is Glabellar Lines.

As the years go by, the skin naturally ages. This leads to glabellar lines becoming more prominent. The skin loses elasticity and is no longer able to compensate for the changes caused by our facial expressions.

Natural lines become increasingly visible, causing forehead furrows to be very noticeable and the entire facial area to appear older.

Glabellar or forehead furrows can become significantly visible as early as the age of 25. This depends heavily on individual circumstances. People who work extensively with screens can develop these wrinkles even earlier. Like with other wrinkles, there are other factors at play here. Lifestyle has an impact. Those who smoke a lot, consume alcohol excessively, and have an overall unhealthy diet can contribute to significantly more pronounced wrinkle formation.

Can the Formation of Glabellar Lines be Prevented?

Completely avoiding the formation of glabellar lines is naturally not possible. However, there are ways to prevent it to some extent or at least slow down its development. It seems logical that glabellar lines are less likely to form if you laugh frequently. This engages different areas of the face. When we laugh, it's nearly impossible to bring the eyebrows together. So, frequent laughter is good advice, which also applies to other areas of life.

We briefly touched on lifestyle earlier. It generally affects appearance as we age. A healthy lifestyle can contribute greatly to preventing glabellar lines from forming too prominently. It's important to avoid unhealthy influencing factors. These include frequent smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or an unhealthy diet with lots of processed products and refined sugar.

Those who expose themselves frequently to strong sunlight can also expect their skin to age faster and glabellar lines to become more pronounced. On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle can slow down skin aging. This includes getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, and having a balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruits.
AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit

How Long Does the Treatment with Botulinum Toxin Last?

In addition to the points that one can address personally, a preventive treatment for glabellar lines with Botulinum Toxin has proven to be very effective. Ultra-thin syringes are used for a treatment that is as painless as possible. Regular treatment with Botulinum Toxin can help prevent glabellar lines from forming too prominently. Starting early with this treatment can allow you to benefit from its effects for a longer period.

AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit
AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit

Fast & Effective

Do you want to get rid of annoying wrinkles or unevenness? Then a treatment with Botulinum Toxin or Hyaluronic Acid may be just right for you. Schedule an appointment with us now; we would be happy to advise you in detail.

AVORYA - Quelle der Schönheit

Medically Removing Glabellar Lines with Botulinum Toxin or Hyaluronic Acid Filler?

Which treatment is sensible for removing glabellar lines depends heavily on the type of wrinkles. Light glabellar lines can be treated very effectively with Botulinum Toxin. These wrinkles are not yet very pronounced. These are also referred to as incipient glabellar lines. By selectively injecting Botulinum Toxin into the muscle, its activity is reduced. This prevents the wrinkles from deepening further. Ideally, the wrinkles may recede after this treatment and may not be as clearly visible.

However, there are also deeper glabellar or forehead furrows. These are so pronounced over the years that they are visible around the clock, no matter what facial expression we make. For these deeper wrinkles, a combination of Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid Filler treatment is recommended. This combination can achieve the best effects. Botulinum Toxin restricts the muscle's mobility, and the Hyaluronic Acid Filler ensures that hollow spaces can be refilled.

Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid work together here to achieve an optimal appearance with less pronounced glabellar lines. The wrinkles are filled again, and a pleasantly youthful appearance is restored. Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the body and, when injected into wrinkles, helps to plump up the skin. It becomes smooth again, and the glabellar lines ideally disappear.

This Is How Glabellar Line Treatment Works

In a personal conversation, we clarify points that are important for the treatment of glabellar lines. This includes a brief overview of personal medical history. Are there any allergies or intolerances? Have the glabellar lines been treated before? Have there been any medical procedures in the corresponding area? All of this is discussed in the consultation.

After evaluating the wrinkles, it is decided whether treatment with Botulinum Toxin or Hyaluronic Acid Filler is the best choice. A numbing cream can be applied if needed before the treatment begins. This ensures that there is almost no pain expected. In the next step, Botulinum Toxin is injected into the muscle. This can cause a slight burning sensation, which disappears after a short time.

If Hyaluronic Acid is to be used in addition, it is injected into the corresponding facial areas, filling in any hollow spaces. After the treatment, you can quickly get back to your daily routine. However, it's better to avoid excessive makeup or strenuous activities on that day.